DNEG at BFX 2022
The UK's largest visual effects, computer games & animation festival
The UK's largest visual effects, computer games & animation festival
We’re heading to Bournemouth University for their 10th annual BFX Festival!
An international event that inspires both current and future generations of artists, technicians and engineers, the festival celebrates all aspects of VFX, animation and games with a unique mix of technical and creative practices.
Heading to Bournemouth yourself? Scroll down to learn more about the exciting line-up we’ve got planned!
WHERE: Bournemouth University WHEN: November 8th – 13th 2022
Tuesday, November 8th
Grooming in Houdini for VFX (Workshop)
Kristin Farrensteiner (Lead Groom TD)
WHEN: Nov 8 | 2:00 – 5:00 PM GMT WHERE: PG-302
Learn to efficiently groom characters and creatures in Houdini using advanced techniques in this workshop with DNEG Grooming Artist, Kristin Farrensteiner.
Wednesday, November 9th
Celebrating Diversity in Animation and VFX | Panel
Boyan (Bobby) Georgiev (Unreal TD/Lighter), Moderated by Dara McGarry (DNEG Animation Outreach Director)
WHEN: Nov 9 | 11 – 12:30 PM GMT WHERE: Marconi
Join DNEG Animation’s Boyan (Bobby) Georgiev and a panel of industry experts as they discuss diversity in the VFX and animation industry. Moderated by DNEG Animation’s Dara McGarry, the panel is part of ‘The Industry and Us’ segment of the festival.
The VFX of Doctor Who S13
Andrew Robertson (VFX Supervisor)
WHEN: Nov 9 | 1:00 – 1:55 PM GMT WHERE: KG01
Join Andrew Robertson, VFX Supervisor at DNEG, as he takes you behind the scenes of the latest season of the iconic BBC sci-fi fantasy series, Doctor Who. Andrew will share insights into how DNEG’s complex visual effects helped to deliver exciting action sequences across an entire universe, in different time zones, and with multiple alien threats. He’ll dive into the creature work, environment builds, and FX simulations that brought Season 13 to life on our screens.
Thursday, November 10th
Real-time in Animation | Panel
Zak Chamberlain (Lead Layout and Real-time Artist)
WHEN: Nov 10 | 2:15 – 3:15 PM GMT WHERE: KG01
Dive into the world of real-time with DNEG Animation’s Zak Chamberlain! Taking part in the real-time in animation panel as part of the ‘Advances in Animation and VFX’ segment of the festival, Zak will be showcasing how we used Unreal Engine for our award-winning animated short, Mr. Spam Gets A New Hat.
Friday, November 11th
DNEG Recruitment Presentation
Jonny Adamson (Senior Talent Acquisition Partner), Bridget Dash (Senior Talent Acquisition Partner), David Morris (Talent Acquisition Partner)
WHEN: Nov 11 | Between 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM GMT WHERE: Marconi
Join DNEG’s TA team for a presentation into life at DNEG and how you can join in. We’ll be sharing our top tips for drafting your CV, making your showreel stand out, and impressing in your interview.