DNEG at VIEW Conference 2023!
The 24th international VFX computer graphics conference
The 24th international VFX computer graphics conference
We’re excited to be participating in VIEW 2023, Italy’s conference on Computer Graphics, Interactive Techniques, Digital Cinema, 2D/3D Animation, VR and AR, Gaming and VFX!
Running from October 15 – October 20th, online and in-person in Turin, Italy, this year’s conference is jam-packed with incredible presentations, exhibits, panels and more.
What’s in store for you from our DNEG and DNEG Animation teams, you ask? Scroll on to find out:
Ted Ty (Global Head of Character Animation & Animation Director, Nimona)
Monday, October 16, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM CEST | Mezzanino
Join Ted Ty and take a detailed and entertaining look at the planning, philosophy and execution of the animation performances of Nimona.
Andrew Jackson (Production VFX Supervisor, Oppenheimer)
Friday, October 20, 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM CEST | Fucine online
Join Production VFX Supervisor, Andrew Jackson, for a behind-the-scenes look at DNEG’s VFX on Christopher Nolan’s thrilling biopic, Oppenheimer. In conversation with Ian Failes, Editor of Befores & Afters, Andrew will discuss the visualisation of physical phenomena ranging from subatomic particles and huge nuclear blasts, to exploding stars and the formation of black holes. Discover how some of the movie’s most explosive sequences were created by combining old-style practical effects techniques and complex compositing treatments.
Giacomo Mineo (DNEG VFX Supervisor)
Friday, October 20, 11:15 AM – 12:15 PM CEST | Binario3
Join Emmy Award-nominated DNEG VFX Supervisor Giacomo Mineo, as he discusses his visual effects journey and how he went from working as a Flame and Smoke Artist on commercials, to supervising VFX work on some of the biggest global franchises and most highly acclaimed films. Giacomo will dive into his twenty year career; the path that he took to advance in the industry; and how the attributes of proactivity, composure, problem-solving, and adaptability made his journey possible.
Our very own Jake Morrison, Production VFX Supervisor, talk about his brand new approach to post production on Thor: Love and Thunder with technology from Satellite Lab’s PlateLight on 19th October at 4:30 PM CEST in Binario3; and Bobby Georgiev, London ACM SIGGRAPH Chair and Lighting TD at DNEG Animation, panel about keeping a positive mindset throughout one’s career on 16th October at 4:00 PM CEST in Teca B.
For more information about the VIEW Conference and how to attend, click here.
See you there!